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Matariki Community Potluck

On the first Monday of every month, the community will be hosting a shared dinner at the Vogelmorn cafe space.  As we enter the cooler months, this is a chance to gather in a warm space and enjoy warm food, warm tea and warm vibes. Please come along, bring a plate to share if you want to, stay for a chat, dinner and a chance to connect with your local whānau.

Our first potluck falls during Matariki, and what better way to celebrate Te Tau Hou Māori than by bringing some kai and memories from the past year to share with your community.
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi | With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive

Want to know more? Email Anna:

29 June

Brother Sister Vinyl Release Tour

5 July