How can you get involved at Vogelmorn?
Pop by the Precinct & say hello! We’re typically at the Bowling Club from 9am-3pm Monday - Wednesday and 9am-10pm Thursday - Saturday. Or pop by the green any time of the day to enjoy the sunshine, trampoline and gardens.
Lend a hand & come along to one of our monthly working bees ~ you’ll get a VBC Coffee voucher in return. Bring the whole family & stay for as long or as little as you can. Or swing by and ask what needs doing around the Precinct - there’s always somethin’!
How very generous of you! Click here for more information about joining Friends of Vogelmorn, our community of regular givers.
The VBC Cafe is owned and run by the Vogelmorn Community Group Trust. It is a space to connect with other locals & to enjoy a good cuppa and tasty kai. Sustainability is at the heart of what we do here at VBC Cafe. Find out more about our sustainability initiatives Find out more about our sustainability initiatives here.
Enjoy a relaxed and flexible space to work from with an outdoor area & access to VBC Cafe. Hot desking and permanent options available.
From gigs to boardgame nights to panel discussions or pizza nights, there’s always somethin’ going on at Voglemorn!
We want the Vogelmorn vibe to continue for many years to come!
Help make that happen!To explore joining or working with the Trust contact
Make a donation.
The Vogelmorn Bowling Club is owned and run by a registered Charitable Trust made of creative locals who, in 2014 worked to buy the building for the community and for your use! This means that VBC is a self-funded community space.
We count on income from hireage, the VBC Cafe, events and donations to keep doing awesome things here.
Donations go towards supporting the Vogelmorn community and revitalising the VBC, including earthquake strengthening the building and improving accessibility.
volunteer at vogelmorn ~
volunteer at vogelmorn ~