Following on from Wai/Water and Waka/Transport, on Thursday 14th September we have Kāinga/Housing - a chance to grab a drink from the bar and some kai from Smoked & Pickled and find a comfy perch to listen to an evening of engaging discussion.
Joining us we have:
- Bronwen Newton (co-housing all rounder, who is currently helping guide the next stages of the Takaka Cohousing Neighbourhood with Mohua Ventures);
- Jonathan Manns (Property Advisor at JLL, who will touch on density done well and sustainable development);
- Georgie Ferrari (CEO of the Sustainability Trust who will bring a wealth of insights into the current state of housing in the city and what can be done to make it healthier and more sustainable); and
- Paul McCorry Housing Development Manager at Wellington City Council
Talks will start at 6:30pm, but the bar and restaurant will be open from 3pm. Each speaker will have 10 - 15 minutes, with slides, then after a short break we will get them all back up on stage for a panel discussion. So bring along all those questions you've been longing to ask.
This is a non-ticketed, free event, so if you want a good seat up the front, be sure to come a bit early.
And save the date for the fourth and final talk of the series on Thursday 12th October: Kōrero Manapori / Talking Democracy (two days before the general election).