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Birdfeeder With Support From Eigenface

Theatrical avant-pop mystics BIRDFEEDER wow your socks off with new tunes, old tunes and just the right number of synth solos. The trio magically expands to a four piece for the evening, with second vocalist Jasmine T assisting the band to realise the Platonic ideal of Pure Music.

What do you mean, you haven't seen Birdfeeder play before? Folkies, jazz cats, hippies and Kate Bush fanatics are unanimous that they are worth checking out.

Opening the show is EIGENFACE, a fresh duo featuring electronic beats guided by synth melodies and eerie double vocals - featuring Penelope from the acclaimed band Grawlixes.

Nestled in the cosy environs of the old bowling club, Vogelmorn Upstairs has an excellent selection of drinks as well as kai by Smoked and Pickled! Both the bar and restaurant are open from 3pm. To book a table for pre-show kai email Alice at

Tickets at UTR

2 August

Blues Night At Vogelmorn

22 August

Cool Bike Stuff, Mid-Winter Motivational Bike Movies